Join your local action group

Connect with like-minded people to challenge injustice and be part of the driving force behind our movement - people power!

A people-powered movement is about everyday people taking action to challenge injustice and demand dignity, freedom and equality for all.

Becoming a part of our movement will give you the skills, experience, networks and resources to hold the powerful to account. You will be part of a community of fellow human rights activists who are achieving social change every day.

From holding events like film screenings or letter-writing marathons, collecting signatures at stalls or joining rallies, to advocating to your local MP or raising essential funds, there are many ways to challenge injustice.

Find a group below and sign up to let them know you’d like to get involved or hear about their events and activities!

Types of groups:

Above the map is a list of Networks:

  • Networks are a broader group of activists who focus on a particular human rights issue eg. National Refugee Network
  • Urgent Action Networks are a network of individuals who receive Urgent Actions and write letters

Below in the map you will find:

  • Local Action Groups which are based in a local area eg. Darwin Action Group
  • University or Campus Groups which are student-led groups

We are strongest and have the greatest impact when we stand together.